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At Aquinas College we are committed to offering our students the best opportunities, support, guidance and resources possible so they can make the most of their time with us and be the best they can be.

Facilities, activities, support and a full enrichment programme covering the arts and culture, trips and travel, sport and challenges, are in place to complement our students’ academic studies.

Students well being is uppermost in our thinking so pastoral, Chaplaincy and counselling support are in place.

Access to financial support information such as Bursary and Free College Meals are also available.

Our impressive Learning Centre provides services and teams, Student & Information Services, Careers Service, Library Service, Learning Support and IT Support, who work together to offer students with wrap around support to ensure their time is enjoyable, stimulating and productive.

“There’s such an extensive support network both inside and outside of the classrooms for those who need it”

Amy (student)